
1951年京都大学工学部電気工学科卒業。同年、日本放送協会入社。’62年米国ブルックリン工科大学マイクロ波研究所客員研究員。’84年ユニデン副社長。’94年東京工芸大学工学部教授。ケイラボラトリー取締役。’81年米国電気電子学会(IEEE)Fellow授与、現在Life Fellow。’82年紫綬褒章受章。’94年IEEEマイクロ波Carrer Award受賞。著書に「Microwave Integrated Circuits」「Microwave Electronic Circuit Technology」「マイクロ波回路の基礎とその応用」「高周波・マイクロ波回路の構成法」他多数


昭和23年3月第三高等学校 理科卒業
平成6年~平成31年 有限会社ケイラボラトリー取締役

1974.5 テレビジョン学会業績賞受賞
1975.5 電子通信学会業績賞受賞
1977.5 特許庁長官賞受賞
1978.6 電波の日記念郵政大臣賞受賞
1979.4 科学技術功労者表彰受賞
1979.6 テレビジョン学会技術振興賞受賞
1981.1 米国電気電子学会(IEEE)Fellow授与
1982.4 紫綬褒章受賞
1994.5 IEEEマイクロ波Carrier Award受賞
1994.6 IEEE Life Fellow受賞
2013.3 筑波大学より栄誉会員の称号を授与されプラチナアソシエイトと認定される。(ペスタロツチのアライブマスクの寄贈により)

Dr. Yoshihiro Konishi’s Education, History, Awards

1951 Graduated, Faculty of Engineering, Kyoto University
1961 Doctor of Engineering, Kyoto University

Professional History:
1951-1963 NHK(Japan Broadcasting Cooperation), Technical Staff
1962-1963 Polytechnics Institute of Brooklyn, Visiting Scholar
1963-1983 Technical Research Laboratories of NHK, Research Engineer in-Chief(Director General)
1983-1984 Uniden Satellite Technology, Co. Ltd., President
1984-1993 Uniden, Co. Ltd., Senior Executive Vice President
1993-1994 Uniden, Co. Ltd., Consultant
1994-1999 Tokyo Institute of Polytechnics, Professor
1994-2019 K Laboratories, Executive

Award and Conferment:
1974 Achievement Award of the Institute of Television Engineering(ITE) of Japan
1975 Achievement Award of the Institute of Electronics and Communication Engineers(IECE)
1977 Director's Award of Patent Agency
1978 Minister's Award of the Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications
1979 Science and Technology Merits Award
1979 Engineering Promotion Award of the Institute of Television Engineering(ITE) of Japan
1982 Purple Ribbon Medal from the Japanese Emperor
1994 Carrier Award of the IEEE Microwave Theory and Techniques Society

Academic Activity and Honorary Membership:
1975-1996 Editor in-Chief for Asia of the IEEE Broadcast Technology Society
1976-1978 Project Manager of the Joint Experiments for Development of a Satellite Earth Station Conducted by NHK and NASA
1976-1996 Editor of the IEEE Transaction on Microwave Theory and Techniques Society
1981 Fellow of the IEEE
1982-1984 Chairman of Tokyo Chapter for the IEEE Microwave Theory and Techniques Society
1983-1984 Administrative Committee Member of the IEEE Microwave Theory and Techniques Society
1994 Life Fellow of the IEEE
1997 Who's Who in the World from the Marquis Who's Who Publications Board